St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church has a variety of Service & Fellowship opportunities for all ages and interest levels.

Bags of food

Food Ministries

The St. Luke Food Ministry responds to our call to “Go in peace to serve the Lord and our neighbors.” Partnering with Lebanon County Christian Ministries, we:

  • Serve as the distribution point in the eastern part of Lebanon County for The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) the first Friday of every month – 3pm to 6pm.
  • Prepare and serve a Free Community Meal every Sunday, 5:30-7pm.
  • Provide the host facility for the Free Community Noon Meal, alternating the meal preparation and serving with volunteers from other churches in Heidelberg Township. Meal served every Thursday, 11:30am-1pm.

Our Food Ministry is further supplemented with fresh produce in season from the St. Luke Garden.

Choir and music notes - icon


Share your musical talents both inside and outside our church building. Senior Choir rehearses at 7pm on Wednesday evenings. The Junior Choir features children through 8th grade and rehearses on Sundays following worship. Both choirs take a break over the summer months.Supporting the Local Community

Supporting the Local Community

  • Agape Shelter
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Lebanon Rescue Mission
  • Domestic Violence Intervention
  • Lebanon County Christian Ministries Food Bank

Banding Together

Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11am. Banding Together is a free strength training program using resistance bands. The goal is to build strength and function in adults 50 and older, but folks of all ages are welcome.

Bible Study

There are currently two opportunities for Bible Study at St. Luke. The Monday night Bible Study meets at 7pm in the High School Classroom on the second level of Miller Chapel. The group interacts with the Revised Common Lectionary lessons for the following Sunday. Bring your Bible, heart, and mind open to the living Jesus through whom the community of God, Son, and Spirit is revealed. If you are seeking a less formal approach, you may like the Water to Wine Bible Study the first Thursday of every month at 7pm, second floor, Franklin House, on the Square in Schaefferstown.

Women of the ELCA (WELCA)

The very active WELCA group at St. Luke meets the second Monday of every month (7pm) and supports various services of Lutheran World Relief, most notably the collection and packing of school kits, health kits, layettes and sewing kits; and the creation and shipping of quilts. The group is well known for its Fair Trade Fair, usually held the first Saturday in November (check calendar for date and time), which features unique and handcrafted fair trade items from around the world, plus delicious Divine Chocolate and gourmet coffee.

Block Party

Started in 2010, this Saturday afternoon happening in early fall has become an annual tradition. Free music, food, and activities for all age groups are featured at this community event. Mark your calendar for the 2017 Block Party on September 23rd.

Quilt in church

Serving the Global Community through Quilting

Quilters meet the first Tuesday of the month at 10am. Join with fellow seamstress/crafters in creating beautiful quilts for Lutheran World Relief, and enjoy good fellowship while you sew. (No experience necessary)

Book Club

Readers are welcome to participate in the Book Club, which usually meets on a Thursday evening for a light dinner followed by a discussion of the current featured book.

Serving the Global Community through ELCA World Hunger Appeal

St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church supports ELCA with funds collected by children on Quarter Sunday (second Sunday of every month).

Serving the Global Community through ONE

St. Luke Lutheran is a ONE Lutheran Congregation, partnering with ONE, a non-partisan, advocacy organization committed to the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease. (

Schaefferstown Youth Group

Meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month during school and more often during the summer for fun, fellowship and service. Devotions, picnics, mini-golf, roller skating, bike riding, snow tubing, movie and game nights, Bible trivia, scavenger hunts and swimming are a few of the activities. Major events include LCCM’s Box City to help the homeless, a fund-raising Easter flower sale, and volunteering for recycling for the township. Other service projects include baking cookies for free community meals, donating items for military care packages, and singing and playing the bells for those in nursing homes. If you are in middle or high school, please come out for any or all of these events!