Mission Support During Advent – December 2022
School is a fantastic place to learn concepts, find facts and figures, and develop wonderful ways of applying what was learned. Sunday School is a wonderful extension, giving everyone a place to discover ways we may make a difference in the world. As the church begins a new year, the season of Advent, we are learning about mission support for Tree4Hope in the Republic of Guatemala.
Tree 4 Hope – Building International Relationships, Rooted in Service
Chica Bean – Honest Beans of Specialty Coffee
The mission activities are for training girls in the area that have fallen into bad times, and providing schooling in the skills they will need to succeed in life. Learning English is also included.
In many of our lives, a sip of coffee is part of our daily activities and a great way to show our support. In the Guatemalan area, families grow coffee which can be purchased through the mission, providing income for the group’s activities.
Take a moment, share your support through purchasing well grown coffee for yourself as well as your friends. And come by Sunday School for a sip of coffee and share in the learning of mission support.